In 2019, I was looking for a new meaning in my 30+ years of photography work. One day while meditating, a thought came to me that changed the course of my work, and my life. It was more like a deep knowing, a feeling of certainty that came over me.

At that moment I knew for sure that pregnant women have an important role in shaping their unborn child with their mind, thoughts and emotions, that this is how the creator intended us women to be, that we’re so much more powerful than we know… that we are co-creators of life.

An online search lead me to vast amount of information and experiments that apparently have been done for a few decades by leading psychiatrists and scientists all over the world, proving this ‘knowing’ of mine. Dr. Thomas Verny has been one of the pioneers, with his book ‘The secret life of the unborn child’.

What could we do with this knowledge?

During my initial search, I also came across a tragic statistic. Over 300 Thousand women around the world die every year giving birth(that’s every TWO minutes!), and more than one million babies don’t live past a few months!

And the causes are mostly preventable; Lack of skilled respectful care, hygiene, equipment, transportation, and education.

‘Connecting all the dots’, Women-Of-Maternal- Beauty, The-World-Project’ was born, or better known as ‘W.O.M.B, The World Project’!

This traveling exhibition will support birth centers midwives and the birth community where needed around the world.

My life and work have a new-found meaning, I am excited for all that is in store.

No woman should lose her life in order to bring new life into this world.
